Janne Carrington. A.R.A.D. (Adv) RAD PTS & MENTOR. Fellow ISTD
Dance, Health & Wellbeing Facts
The health related benefits of dance are well documented. Scientific research has established that 75% of the factors affecting quality of life and longevity are lifestyle related and only 25% are in fact hereditary. So it is clear that dance, along with other physical activities, has a vital role in ensuring a good quality of life for longer, given extended life expectancies.
Research has positioned dance ahead of other physical activity in terms of the extent of its health promoting benefits including:
- improving balance, minimising falls
- slowing down ageing (connected to calming the immune system)
- increasing cognitive ability (by promoting new synapse connection)
Likewise the social benefits of dance amongst this age group have also been well documented.
Join us on Wednesdays at 10.30 AM to 11.30 AM.
All are welcome, please contact Mrs. Carrington for enrolment information.

Janne Carrington at RAD HQ with Angela Rippon Ambassador of ‘Silver Swans’

Royal Academy of Dance “Click here for RAD Key Message”